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Chapter 29: Unconnected

Carefully the girl put tension on the string of the bow, trying to not make a sound. Her golden eyes were focused on her prey. A large boar. A creature that was rare in her home region, but here they seemed to thrive. It was a large male, black and brown colored. A ridge of coarse hair running from the nape of his skull to the base of his tail. Large tusks protruded from under his lips, which allowed him to dig deep into the soil, looking for food. Sadly for him, his own search for food was over …

The girl released the bow, the arrow flying through the air, planting itself in the side of the creature. It let out a loud screech that filled the forest, before it fell down with a loud snort. As quick as she could, the girl moved over, already grabbing the dagger from her side. The boar was still breathing, trying to fill it’s lungs with precious air. To not prolong his fight with death, the girl quickly planted the dagger between his ribs, piercing his heart.

“My the Lady of the Moo, smile on you and bless you for your offer. May you run free among the stars.”

The boar was silent when she pulled the dagger from its body. A rustling sound announced the arrival of a second hunter and the girl looked over her shoulder to the man that had followed her, who nodded in her direction.

“A clean kill, Fae.” He said with a soft smile.

“Thank you,  Ra’Eran.” Fae nodded in return. 

Ra’Eran had been her hunting teacher for the past year. He was a few decades older than her. Still young compared to other elves, but he was experienced in his art. His silver eyes shone brightly against his bluish colored skin. His long black hair was braided to the back, decorated with beads and feathers. 

“The Tribe will have a feast tonight.” The hunter said when he started to strap the boar on a makeshift stretcher. 

“Ow?” Fae said, trying to sound a bit enthusiastic. She had tried to keep herself aside from the Tribe. It was not her home and it never would be. She had decided for herself to not make any strong bonds as she was determined to leave. Being close with others would only make it more difficult for her.

“Yes, a feast to celebrate the good growth this year and the lush forests. We want to thank the Moon Lady for her generosity. People will be dancing and singing. Just a time to not think about work for once.”

Fae nodded, a bit absent in her mind. Yet she figured it was best to go and take a look. Some Tribe members were already finding her weird, some even a danger, fearing that the Drow would track her down and come to kill her. While others were dying to know her, some just tried to stay far away from her. It was painful in the beginning. It was not her fault that her Tribe had been attacked, was it? But during the past months, she had gotten used to it. They wouldn’t miss her when she would leave the Tribe in the future.

Once back at the Tribe, Fae saw how they were preparing for the celebrations that evening. Several females and children were decorating the center area. Fires were lit up, mixed with herbs as usual to give a pleasant scent. When the night had fallen, the area was beautifully lit up and music was filling the air. Several younger females were gracefully singing, leading the dance in their moon white robes, their hair decorated with leaves and flowers.

“Enjoying yourself?” A voice said that Fae quickly linked to Ra’Eran. When she looked aside, she saw the man taking a seat next to her, holding two cups that were filled with a liquor that was created from mixing berries with nectar. It was rather sweet, but too much could cloud your mind. Nonetheless, Fae grabbed one of the offered cups, knowing that refusing would be insulting.

“Did you hold these kind of feasts in your old Tribe?” Ra’Eran asked with a smile on his face.

“Sometimes …” Fae replied, taking a quick sip, trying to keep her eyes focused on the dance. “But never this big.”

Ra’Eran nodded, taking a sip from his own cup before he crawled a bit closer, a fact that didn’t go unnoticed to Fae.

There was an awkward silence for a few minutes, both trying not to look at each other, trying to be focused on the singing and dancing before them. Fae flinched shortly when Ra’Eran cleared his throat. 

“Eum, Fae?” He started. Fae’s eyes short to the side for a second, seeing the nervous but serious look in his eyes, when he was only looking at his wriggling fingers. She softly hummed as a reply, darting her eyes back towards the scene.

“Are you still planning to leave the Tribe?” The serious tone was mixed with concern. Something Fae had not expected and it threw her off for a second. Ra’Eran had always looked like the joyful person, like nothing could touch his smile and break it. Yet now he sounded so insecure, making Fae feel a bit uncomfortable. 

The girl was silent for a few seconds, thinking of her answer while she played with a leaf of grass. 

“Yes …” She eventually answered, still keeping her gaze away from the man.

“But why?” He asked, suddenly a bit more pressuring. Fae thought she even heard a trace of sadness in his voice.

“Why would you want to leave a secure Tribe? Leave all this behind. We have a strong defense, we have enough food, large herds. You would have a large house and I could keep you safe …”

“What?” Fae’s head suddenly shot up, reacting to his last words. When she looked aside, she saw that Ra’Eran had now only noticed his little mess up in his words. She saw the blush rise on his skin, his nervous fiddling with his fingers in his hair.

“I … I like you, Fae. I can even say you inspire me. You hunt so concentrated, like it would be the last prey you can find, not able to lose it. I hear from the fighters that you are skilled with bow and dagger, determined not to lose your fight, but still keep your honor.”

His silver eyes suddenly rose up, making contact with hers. His sudden gaze, the dreaming look in his eyes dazzled her, but it also frightened the girl.

Fae shivered, yet not of fright, when his hand touched her bare arm. 

“I don’t want to see you out there, withering. You have so much potential here. You could be an amazing huntress, a skilled fighter. You can achieve so much in this Tribe.”

He gave her a soft smile, a smile where Fea could not break away from. Suddenly she felt guilt rising in her chest when she saw the hopeful expression in his eyes.   

“I would be honored if you would become my mate. I would build us a house that would honor your blood. I would make you happy and keep you safe, offering you a place you can rightfully call home.”

“I …” Fae started, but she had no idea what to answer. She did not doubt the man’s words. She knew he was righteous and respectful. She knew if she would stay at his side that she would have a secure life. But that was not what she wanted. Whenever she had left the blood soaked grounds of her home, she had made her choice. She would not call a place her home until those that were responsible for the massacre on her Tribe would be dead. And therefore she could not allow herself to have flirtatious feelings for someone of which she knew she had to leave behind. No matter how hard it would hurt her. Because she would admit that she grew quite fond of Ra’Eran. He was maybe the only one she could actually call a real friend in this place. But she had forbidden herself to see further than that.

“I am sorry, Ra’Eran.” Her voice trembled a bit, while she pulled her arm away from his soft grasp.

“I made my promise and I will keep it. I will find those who are responsible for the dishonored death of my family, my Tribe. I want to know why and punish them for their deeds.”

She could not withhold the escape of one of her tears, knowing that her words were hurting him. But she didn’t want him to walk on that small path of hope when there was none.

When her golden eyes landed on his face, she saw his disappointment.

“Please don’t hate me for what my goal is. I can not forget what I have seen. It was not a simple raid. My people were tortured for something, something they were looking for. And I want to know what it was, so that I can keep it out of their grasp.”

A sigh escaped the male’s mouth, dropping his head in defeat.

“I … I understand.” he whispered, trying to keep his voice in place, but Fae knew that she had hurted him badly by rejecting him.

“Stay my friend …” Fae whispered, folding her arms around her in a defensive movement.

“I truly value your attention and your wisdom. I care for you, but …”

“Not in the same way as I do.” Ra’Eran answered, looking up with a soft defeated smile on his face. Fae could only nod reluctantly, guiding her eyes away from him.

“My path leads me to somewhere else.” Fae said in a calm tone.

“Yet maybe, when I find what I am looking for, my path will lead me back here.”

Ra’Eran chuckled, trying to push his sadness to a corner of his mind.

“Maybe …” he softly whispered.

An uncomfortable feeling crept over Fae while she looked at the saddened man. 

“I … got to go.” She said while turning around, ready to leave the center area.

“But … Thank you.” 

She could hear Ra’Eran open his mouth to say something, but no sound left his lips, realizing it was better to not drag this awkward situation any longer. 

Fae didn’t turn around, not wanting to see the disappointed look in his eyes. She would probably avoid him for a few days, hoping it would give him time to think about what she said. And it would give herself some time as well, for the restless and messed up feeling was dancing on the same beat as the music. 

Ravaging ....

Next Chapter (30)
Chapter 29: Unconnected: Over mij
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