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Chapter 17: Preparation

“Brother dear.”

Breghen didn’t need to turn around to know who was standing behind him. For the voice could only be linked to one person only. It sounded sleek, dangerous, poisonous, … but not in the same as Nazira. While her voice had also been filled with lust, this voice was filled with disgust and plain danger. Even now, after being eight years away from home, this voice sparked that feeling of fear. Before he had been used for the demon ritual, hearing this voice was the harbinger of pain and torture. 

Breghen tried to calm his body that seemed to react to the voice out of his control before he turned around, to face his oldest sister. 

“Irae’Lin.” Breghen said with a respectful nod, for so far he could bring up respect for this woman.

“High Priestess Irae’Lin!” The female warned her brother, already spitting out her disgust towards the boy. Breghen didn’t react to her outburst, but kept note of the change in her rank. When he had left Duscrain, his eldest sister had only been a priestess. During his years of absence, it seemed she had completed her studies at the Cleric school to claim the rank as High priestess. And it was clear the woman would use her status to the fullest.
Irae’Lin was like any high ranked female. Devoted to Lolth and power hungry. And the fact that her brother had been picked as the chosen one, had left a very sour feeling.

“Finally you grace us with your presence. Only sixteen years and already getting the lead of a surface patrol group.” Irae’Lin narrowed her eyes, like she tried to figure out why this male was so special. Why him, of all Drow?

“To capture a prisoner that you were not able to break.” Breghen replied in a cold tone. His father had been in their prison for sixteen years and in all those years, they had not been able to crack him and spill the reason why he had gone to the surface without permission.

“Watch your mouth, boy!” Irae’Lin shot out, already grabbing towards her snake headed whip that rested at her side. 

“I don’t care what rank Matron Nazira has promised you, but you are still a male. A lousy, filthy traitor’s bastard. Even the Patron of the House addresses the lowest ranked female with more respect!”

Breghen slightly hunched over, his hand already resting on the pommel of his scimitar, ready to strike when needed.

“I am chosen by Lolth to be her champion!” He barked back, releasing a snarl.

But the fact that Breghen was defending himself in front of her, made Irae’Lin even more angry then she already was. 

“It seems I need to remind you of your place!” And the female unbuttoned the whip from her side. The snake heads hissed dangerously, already excited that they were put to work and would be able to dig their fangs in Drow flesh. 

Breghen knew that if he would fight back, that he would be punished. No male was allowed to attack a Drow female, regardless of their rank, but attacking a priestess of Lolth was equal to your death sentence. But the boy was no longer that whimpering child of eight years ago. He had grown, he had trained and had become stronger. Nazira had taught him how to act according to his rank. For a male, he had a high status as being marked as Lolth’s fighter. But she had warned him more then once to not misuse this status for his own gain.

Irae’Lin grinned in anticipation of the punishment she was gonna give. For years she had hoped for this day, to bring down that traitor’s son to the ground. In her eyes, he had gained so much reputation. A son of a traitor, one that should have been sacrificed. But no, here he stood, alive and well with a title he should not have earned.

The Drow priestess raised her whip. The room filled itself with the hissing sound of the snakes, ready to strike.

“What is this!?”

Stopped in her movement, Irae’Lin looked over her shoulder,to see a Drow female entering the room. For the Priestess she was an unknown face, but Breghen quickly lowered himself on one knee, bowing his head.

“Lady Fhera.” he said respectful. 

“Fhera?” Irae’Lin repeated, now also recognizing the name. Fhera was the third of the Doh’Arn sisters and was known as a skilled fighter and high ranked Priestess. She was the silent one, but that didn’t mean she was less ruthless than her other sisters. Acting invisible made her even more dangerous. 

“Be glad I will not tell this to Matron Nazira. She would not be merciful, I can promise you.” Her voice held authority, clearly showing that she was not gonna accept any excuse.

“Lady Irae’Lin, do I need to remind you that you were granted the right to join this hunt by Matron Nazira herself. She could have chosen me instead, but she has picked you. Attacking her prized possession would not fall well. As long as he is in the service of House Doh’Arn, no female of another House is allowed to harm him. Am I clear?”

Irae’Lin grunted, rolling up her whip to place it at her side again before she bowed with her head.

“An unforgiving fault from my side, Lady Fhera.” She said, but Breghen knew that those words were a lie. He had seen the glance in his sister’s eyes, waiting for the moment she could beat him again. Irae’Lin was not the female that would bow down for another, unless she had to. He was certain that she was already planning to repay her this humiliation..

Fhera however seemed to be content with the excuse as her attention moved towards Breghen, who was still sitting kneel down on the stone ground.

“And you, Breghen, remember that your sister is right. You are still a male. Your rank does not grant you any right to speak against a priestess of Lolth, the Spider Queen, who granted you the power and status you have today. Make one mistake and you will become nothing more than drider food.”

With a rough movement she picked up the boy’s chin, forcing him to look straight in her piercing eyes.

“You should be grateful that Lolth has granted you this chance. If it had not been for the Spider Queen, you would already be rotting under the dark soil.”

“My apologies, Lady Fhera. I forgot my place.” Breghen said in a respectful tone, lowering his eyes to make clear he knew he was beneath her.

“Good …” Fhera whispered before she took a look at both of them.

“I came to pass on the instructions. The prisoner has a day ahead. He must keep the feeling that he can outrun you. Let him reach his destination. Give him the feeling of hope.”

“And once he has …” Irae’Lin started. The corner of her lips curled up, showing her growing anticipation.

“Kill the family of his lover. But Elendar must be kept alive!” Fhera pressured on the last fact, her eyes lingering on Breghen’s sister for a few seconds to make the power of the command clear. The female huffed, but the smell of blood was already enough to get her riled up. Blood would be spilled on this mission and she would enjoy it. 

With a quick bow, Irae’Lin turned around to leave the room where Breghen was preparing. He also grabbed his attire to leave, but was held back by Fhera.

“Something else, Lady Fhera?” He asked curiously.

“Yes, special order from Matron Nazira. She explicitly said that it should be you that needs to kill that surface female. Let Elendar watch, make it clear to him that it was his betrayal that caused his suffering. When you have returned, Nazira has promised him to you, to let him suffer like he made you suffer.”

A small smile crept on Breghen’s face, reliving his moment in the dungeon when he was torturing his father, dragging out the information about that foul woman he claims to love.

“With pleasure.” And the young boy nodded to leave the room and walk up to the courtyard.

A group of around twenty fighters had gathered, his sister was already at their side. You could clearly see the anticipation on her face and in her movements. She was literally thrilled. 

“You have received the greatest honor!” Matron Sharadreza said, her voice intensified with a spell. Behind her, Matron Nazira overlooked the courtyard, her hand still resting on her round belly. Many of the males were drawn by the sigh of a pregnant Matron. Some Drow could live their entire life in a House and not even get a glimpse of their House Queen. Seeing one pregnant in public was even rarer and made them wonder who was the fortunate … or unfortunate male who had the honor.  

“You are rewarded with a surface raid, the first in two decades. Do not disappoint me, for you will not only dishonor your house, but that of our sister as well! My the Spider Queen favor you on your raid. All praise Lolth!”

“ALL PRAISE LOLTH!” The group yelled, knocking their fist on their chest in a powerful motion before the group marched out of the courtyard. Even the city had caught notice of the leaving group, for the streets were empty, giving the hunters a free passage through the city. From on the balconies, Drow were looking down at the marching group that walked in perfect unison. Some with a grin on their face, knowing that blood would be spilled in the honor of their Spider Queen.

Chapter 17: Preparation: Over mij

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Chapter 17: Preparation: Beoordelingsformulier
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