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Chapter 23: Of brothers and truth

The young Drow boy walked through the halls, a huge frown on his face forcing everyone he crossed to jump aside, making room for the boy to pass. Everyone in House Duscrain knew about Breghen, about his survival of the Melear’Elemet, of his relation toward house Doh’Arn and Matron Nazira, of the power that ran through his blood. The boy that was once a scapegoat had earned the title of being a champion, of being favored by Lolth, their Spider Queen. No one was so foolish to cross the boy’s path and get his wrath upon their head.

Breghen would admit that he was very flammable right now. His mind was twisting, his muscles were tense, his veins were flaring red of the fire that ran through his blood. He was feeling restless and he could feel his nerves tingle with every step he took. He didn’t know where to go, he didn’t know what to think. Goosebumps rose each time he thought about the words of Elendar, about his brothers, about his own life. His body trembled by the idea that the man was right, that he was speaking the truth. Right now, his own mind was not able to process the information. What if he spoke the truth? 

He knew to put his mind at ease, he could only do one thing. Hunt for the truth. Yet he was no fool to just walk up to his mother and demand answers. He was maybe powerful, she would not grant him the pleasure of learning the truth. She would still do everything in her power to show what he was. A Drow male. A pawn. And Irae’Lin would do the same. So there was only one other person he could go to …

He waited in the shadows of a gargoyle statue, just outside the chapel, knowing she was in there. But only a Priestess was allowed to enter the chapel. Unless you had the firm command to do so, any other male or female who was not a cleric or priestess had to stay out. It would not only be the priestesses that would punish you, but Lolth herself would show her displeasure as well, making clear what the boundaries of a male were.

He didn’t have to wait so long for her to leave the Chapel. When the doors creaked, Breghen looked up from his stance, seeing the surprised look on his sister's face.

“Shinira.” He said in a calm tone when he walked up to her. 

“I want a word with you.”

Hearing the importance in his voice, Shinira, Breghen’s second sister and also his weanmother looked around in the halls. She nodded towards him, making a sign to follow while she led them through the hall to an empty room. No matter what the question would be, she didn’t need an extra pair of eyes or ears that could spy on them. Shinira made sure they weren’t followed when she closed the room of the small study room before she turned around to her brother.

“What do you need?” She asked, her voice sounding calm. Shinira kept the looks of being a very calm Drow female, not showing any emotion on her face that could betray her. That often led to some Drow misjudging her, seeing her as weak. But Breghen knew that his sister was less than weak. While not as bloodlusted as Irea’Lin, Shinira was a Drow Priestess and a good one at that. He had been able to witness her wrath from close up. As his weanmother, Shinira had spent the first years of Breghen’s life to rear him, whip into shape. It had not been a time or nurturing, but of indoctrination. Of making clear where Drow males stood in this society. Of his own rank and taint that he carried thanks to his father. When he hadn’t been able to complete a task, even if it was just polishing a fancy jewel, he was whipped and beaten so that the next time he would try again, that he would succeed at his first attempt. 

Yet, compared to their older sister Irae’Lin, Shinira was the calmer of the two. Her emotions didn’t take the lead. She thought first before doing something. Irae’Lin finds her soft because of that, but it didn’t made her soft at all. Being more rational, Shinira always got what she wanted and often with losing less energy than her hotheaded sister. 

So when it came to gaining info, Shinira was his best option. 

Breghen leaned against the table, folding his arms before him.

“Who are Belhros and Dantraig?” He asked in a serious tone. If his sister was surprised because he knew their brothers names, she certainly didn’t show it. She only raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

“They were our older brothers.” Shinira replied. She wasn’t evading the answer. Something Breghen appreciated. 

“Dantraig was killed before you were born. Belhros died in a magical accident. No wizard should try a spell that is above his level.”

Breghen nodded shortly. Shinira took a step closer, narrowing her eyes.

“How did you learn their names?” She asked, having a slight curiosity but also a warning undertone in her voice. 

“Elendar told me.” The boy replied honestly. Shinira nodded.

“I could have known …” She whispered.

“He confessed he killed Dantraig.” Breghen added towards his own information. This time he did see a spark of surprise in his sister’s eyes, as she turned her look towards him.

“Did he?” Her voice sounded firm, no trace of confusion. “Then mother was right with her suspicion. She only lacked the proof.”

“No witness, no crime.” Breghen answered. If there was no witness to the crime, there simply was no crime. If you want something, you take it. You only had to be certain not to get caught.

“Are you gonna punish him?” The Drow boy asked, tilting his head at his question.

“Why should we? We can no longer punish an individual so long after the crime. Besides, you should thank him.” Shinira said firmly.

“Thank him?” Breghen raised an eyebrow.

“You were going to be the third born son, Breghen. Traditionally to be sacrificed to Lolth.” Shinira explained.

“By killing Dantraig, Elendar gave you a favor. You should thank him for that kindness. And we should applaud him for doing so, for it was executed perfectly. He’s maybe a traitor, but Elendar has always been a very skilled fighter and a worthy asset to Matron Sharadreza’s army. It’s only a shame he turned out to be such a fool.”

Breghen nodded, giving his gratitude to his sister for her help before he made himself ready to leave. He had the information he needed. Yet when he laid his hand on the door knob, Shinira placed her hand on his shoulder, holding him back.

“Be careful with your questions, Breghen. You may have power, but don’t forget where you come from and who gave it to you. Mother or Irae’Lin would not be so merciful as I am if they knew you were digging around or keep information hidden.”

“I am aware.” Breghen said in a cold tone before he left the room, closing the door behind him. His eyes shot through the hallway, making clear that no one had seen him entering or leaving the room. With some quick treads, the young boy crossed the dark hallway, back to his room. With his current status as being Lolth’s blessed Champion, he had earned the right to receive his own place to rest, his own quarter of privacy. Something he should have earned when he was just the Elderboy of House Duscrain, but his tainted status had prevented him from earning that. Now he was worthy to receive his own place. Not that it was much. He had a decent looking four-poster bed, made of ebony wood and purple look through curtains. And while his pillows and blankets were of a good quality, they were hardly used. Elves barely slept. He would mainly use the bed to simply rest. But it was better than just having a bedroll on the ground.

Breghen sat down on the edge of the bed, repeating the information through his head. So Elendar hadn’t lied when he said he had saved his life. He had killed one of his older brothers so that he wouldn’t be the third born son. And while another would do this for his own gain, to gain status or power, Elendar had killed Dantraig for Breghen, for him!

His mind was twisting again, a strange feeling started to swirl in his stomach. A feeling he didn’t feel before. It made him feel uncomfortable. Like guilt was gnawing at him. So if that fact was true, was everything what Elendar said the truth? What if there was a better life on the surface? What if his teachers had lied to him through all his years. Were the surface elves so evil? When his eyes had caught the sight of the village, he had seen they were just farmers and hunters. They weren’t built to fight a war. Were those really the creatures that drove them underground thousands of years ago? 

He suddenly saw the vision of the Elven woman before his eyes, the concern in her gaze, the caring tone in her voice. He had thought she was only doing that to let that blue haired man escape, but what if she had been sincere? Had she really cared for his faith? For the pain he was suffering, for the things he had to do to prove himself? 

“Raaaggghh!” Breghen roared before he let himself fall backward on his bed. His mind was like a beehive, buzzing around, not being able to find rest. Because at everything he knew, everything he learned, he was now questioning if it was truth or false. He had no idea how long he had been on his bed, his arms wide open, his eyes focused on the spider figure that was carved in the ceiling of his bed. He waited, letting his mind run errands. More questions were bred until finally fatigue took over, drifting Breghen into a deep sleep.

Chapter 23: Of brothers and truth: Over mij

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