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Chapter 27: An unwanted feeling

In silence and with her hands wrapped around her arms, Fae followed her aunt into the Tribe. At first, the young girl was breath taken by the entire concept of this place. It looked so much stronger than her own home. More detailed. The huts looked bigger and well made, built on the sides of the large trees that supported them. The several stairways and bridges were more stable. While a few were wire bridges, many were sturdy and unbending, made of thick wood. The trees, their paths and homes were all lit up, by either fires or glowing moss. That all combined with natural elements made it look like the forest had grown this Tribe by itself.

After taking in the environment, Fae looked back to her aunt, seeing her long white hair dancing behind her with each step. Fae was still dazzled by how much she resembled her own mother. In both figure and appearance. Yet they were so different when it came to personality. Her own mother had been very outgoing, happy, smiling, but serious when she needed to be. But when it came to her family and certainly when it came to her and her brother, she was always trying to handle things in a light way. Even when she was angry, she made sure her children learned something from their mistake and instead of just punishing them.

Yet her aunt …

Already from the conversation with the Akthan, the girl had noticed the created distance between them. Fae had felt it how May’Kalyn tried to keep her distance from her, like she was a bad omen. When they had left the Tribe center, May had not even looked over her shoulder to see if Fae was following. It made Fae feel restless, unwanted. 

After some climbing and passing several bridges, May stopped at a medium sized hut. It was then the first time she actually looked behind her to see if the girl was still following.

“This is my home.” She said in a neutral tone, before sweeping away the large hide that served as the door from the hut. May walked in and waited for Fae to enter as well. The hut was rather simple. Downstairs there seemed to be a place that was filled with wooden cupboards, clay pots and satchels. From the scent of it, it were herbs. In the corner, there were several hides and pillows with in the center a small table, indicating the place to eat. On the side, a stair that led upwards, of which Fae thought it would lead up to the sleeping quarters. 

“You are a healer?” Fae asked in a careful tone, afraid to say something wrong.

“I’m a midwife.” May answered in a short tone, which made Fae swallow.

“I was there when you were born. My sister … your mother requested my assistance.”

“Ow?” Fae reacted, a bit surprised that her aunt suddenly gave a more detailed answer. She could hear the woman take a deep breath, like she was ready to accept the current events. Suddenly she walked over to the stairs that led to the upper part of her home.

“Come, I’ll make you a place to sleep.”

Fae followed her aunt upstairs. The second floor was what served as a bedroom. The ground was covered with several furs and pelts mixed with pillows. At the corner, there was a candle made of beeswax. May walked up to a wooden chest, taking out a rather large blanket.

“This will do …” She whispered before pinning it down at the ceiling, splitting the room in two.

“I figure you want your own privacy. I’ll bring you some pillows and pelts to make your own bed.” May said when she turned around to Fae.

“You can place any stuff you have at that side.” And she pointed to the just made compartment. Fae looked up, having an embarrassed blush on her face, something May noticed as well. It was only then that she saw that Fae wasn’t carrying anything, except for her clothing, a dagger and an empty bag. May scraped her throat, noticing her small mistake before she turned away and started to walk down the stairs.

“I’ll make some food.” She said in a whispering tone before vanishing from sight.

A bit uncomfortable, Fae walked over to her side of the room, dropping the only bag she had. When she looked outside the small window, she was surprised about the beauty of the Tribe again. The several lights and bioluminescence of the forest made it look like everything was touched by the Moon goddess herself. Everything looked perfect. And yet she knew that she would never be able to call this place her home.

A short time later Fae went down the stairs, seeing her aunt preparing some small food dishes which she placed on the wooden plate. Fae took a seat on one of the fur blankets before May’Kalyn joined her. 

“When is your mate returning home?” Fae asked, taking a sip from the hot soup.

She saw the silver eyes of her aunt shoot at her, like she had asked something very personal. Fae already felt bad for asking and she quickly turned her attention towards the rest of the food.

“I do not have a mate …” May eventually said before taking a sip. 

Fae raised her eyes, having a surprised look on her face. While her aunt was not be called old, certainly not for Elven standards, it was rather uncommon that a female of her age was still unbound.

“You … don’t?” The girl asked carefully.

“No. I never found the right one.” May said, putting her cup down before she looked at the young girl.

“What happened?” The question came out of nowhere, taking Fae by surprise.

“What?” She whispered, looking confused to her aunt.

“What happened at your Tribe?” May clarified her question.

“They … they were attacked. By Drow. Everyone was killed. Elders and young children alike. None were left alive. The place was a mess, everything was thrown around, destroyed.

“My …” Fae swallowed, feeling the stinging feeling of sadness rise in her throat.

“My mother was mortally wounded when I found her. She … she told me that they had been looking for something.”

“You have no idea what they have been looking for?” May her voice was still serious, almost emotionless. It dazzled Fae, not seeing any sign of grief on her aunt’s face.

“No, I … I don’t know. Mother died before she could tell.” The young girl clenched her fist, her nails digging into her skin for a second to keep herself under control. She didn’t want to break down here before the eyes of her aunt and neither did she wanted to fall herself. 

May’Kalyn took a deep sign, closing her eyes. When Fae carefully looked at her, she saw the wrinkles around her aunt's eyes become deeper, like she was fighting against tears herself. But once she opened her eyes, that small trace was gone. And fae knew that they would never speak about that topic again.

May took a piece of the meat that was laying on the wooden plank, acting like nothing had happened.

“Tomorrow you can go out to see what kind of job would suit you best.”

“I want to learn how to hunt and learn to fight.” Fae said rather quickly, like she wanted to prevent her aunt from deciding what she had to do. It was not meant as disrespect, but Fae had her own plans. She saw the curious and dazzled look on her aunt’s face and Fae expected her to make a remark on it, but the woman simply hummed and took another bite.

“I don’t care what you want to do, Fae. You only have to do something. You can not live here and don’t provide for the Tribe. Everyone has their task.”

“I .. I understand.” Fae replied, feeling like a child that just got reprimanded for doing something bad. It had never been her intention to stay here and do nothing. On the contrary, she had to learn a lot before she would be able to leave the Tribe and go on her own personal mission. 

The rest of the dinner was done in silence and Fae helped with cleaning up when they were done. The last thing she wanted was to be seen as a burden. May quickly gathered some stuff for Fae to prepare her bed and when the night was running to its end, both of them went upstairs. Fae was too nervous to fall asleep and she listened to the sounds of the Tribe outside. She knew that also here, not all of them would fall asleep when the sun would rise, being able to defend the Tribe against any danger.

And while she listened to the sounds, she suddenly heard something else as well. The sound of a soft sobbing, coming from the other side of the room, behind the curtain that was separating her from her aunt.

Chapter 27: Unwanted feeling: Over mij

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Chapter 27: Unwanted feeling: Beoordelingsformulier
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