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Chapter 16: Distorted words

Fae watched carefully as her mother undressed herself, her robes dropping on the floor. Her golden eyes followed the steps her mother took, carefully placing her feet in the water. The moon was shining full and bright, almost illuminating the pool. Ly’Kalyn’s long hair was floating on the water, shimmering and sparkling. The woman started to speak. Old language. Fae could only understand a few words. She had not learned these chants yet. It was already something that she was allowed to watch this, for normally the Imha’Akthan would do these kinds of prayers secluded and alone. 

Ly prayed her words, repeating them over and over, sometimes slightly changing them. She cupped some water in her hands, raising it above her, before she let it drop over her body. During all this, she kept chanting. After a few minutes she stopped, her eyes raised to the full moon above. Fae could almost swear that she saw her mother’s eyes glowing in the moonlight. And then Ly softly let herself sink into the water, her body floating in the pool, surrounded by the glowing light. Her hair was still floating on the water, encircling here like an aura. For minutes, she lay there, her eyes closed. Only the sound of the night creatures far away could be heard. Even Fae barely dared to breathe. That until her mother seemed to return to the earth, standing straight again. Her silver white hair was draped over the shoulder, now sticking to her back because of the water. The back that she had currently turned to her daughter …

Fae came from the tree branch in silence, walking closer to the pool.

“Mother?” She softly said, like she was scared to spook her. Ly turned her head a bit, acknowledging that she had heard her daughter, yet she didn’t look at her. 

“What did she say?” Fae asked, now letting her curiosity take over.

“Selûne deems you worthy to start your trial Mha’eso. She will watch over you.” Her mother’s voice was calm, almost mist like. Fae could only smile. She had her goddess’s blessing at her side for her trial. She took a small bow, saying her goodbyes with a smile before she left her mother alone, so that she could finish the rest of her work in private.

Yet when Ly was alone, she turned around, to the spot her daughter had just stood. Only now the tears that were in her eyes became visible, her hands that she had claimed around her own arms. 

“My dear child, if you would only know what future Selûne had just shown me. Yet that is the price I have to pay for my mistakes. I will not tell you this, to keep you safe … Selûne will guard you … but only you until after the red moon.”

Chapter 16: Distorted words: Over mij

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Chapter 16: Distorted words: Beoordelingsformulier
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